कविता श्रीवास्तव के घर छत्तीसगढ़ पुलिस का छापा
Oct 3, 2011 | Pratirodh Bureauछत्तीसगढ़ पुलिस ने एकबार फिर से अपनी वाहियात और बर्बर हो चली नक्सल विरोधी मुहीम का उदाहरण पेश किया है. राज्य सरकार और पुलिस लगातार ऐसे लोगों को निशाना बनाती रही है जिन्होंने राज्य में मानवाधिकारों के लिए काम किया है और आम जन के दमन का विरोध किया है. अलोकतांत्रिक हो चले ढ़ाचे को लोकतंत्र के रास्ते पर लाने के लिए आवाज़ उठाना इस व्यवस्था को नागवार गुज़रता है. इसीलिए जयपुर में राजस्थान पुलिस के साथ छत्तीसगढ़ पुलिस ने सोमवार की अलसुबह मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता कविता श्रीवास्तव को अपना निशाना बनाया.
पीयूसीएल से जुड़ी कविता श्रीवास्तव देश में मानवाधिकारों व नागरिक अधिकारों के दमन के खिलाफ लंबे समय से सक्रिय भूमिका अदा करती आ रही हैं.
कविता श्रीवास्तव ने इस पूरी घटना का ब्यौरा अपने कुछ मित्रों को लिखकर भेजा है. छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार के तौर-तरीकों को समझने के लिए और दमन पर आधारित व्यवस्था कायम रखने के लिए जो बर्बरता की जा रही है, उसे इस पत्र से समझा जा सकता है.
इस पत्र को हम यहां हूबहू प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं.
Dear friends,
The police today raided my house between 6.30 and 7 am. I was out of the house when they did it. One of those days when I was not at home. They came with a search warrant and said that akhatarnak naxalite was being shielded in my house.
My family was unable to gather the name, but they had come looking for a woman they said some Sunit / Sumit Sodi. The Bajaj Nagar police station of Jaipur which very well knows my house brought them. It was led by the DY SP of our area Rajendra Singh Shekhwat and they also sent police outside the PUCL office.
The Chhattisgarh raid was led by one Mr. Memon who was in plain clothes. His rank we donot know. He got papers from a court that my house has to be searched.
They came with a truck load of Special Taks Force police, which we see in riots and kept saying that we have central intelligence inputs that she is here. When my sister asked as to why so much police had come they said "Naxal ka Mamla hai". That person maybe armed. It is so disgusting even as I write this,
My family fully cooperated, till they tried to shove my 82 year old father who is on a pace maker. My sister and a European friend of hers had left home after 6.30 am, they were stopped for one hour close to the house. I was then
Ofcourse they found nothing. They harassed our two domestic workers. They are from Cooch Behar, Bengalis and they were really harassed.
I have been targeted because they know that I have supported the struggle for restoration of human rights violation in Chhattisgarh and the rest of India. I have through the PUCL and other organisations worked against the arbitrary detentions in the State in the name of Maoism. Actually this act was to threaten to me.
This is shocking that they have dared to do this. IT is clear that even the Jaipur Police is involved as almost each and every man of my local police station knows where I live.
Prem Krishnaji, PUCL. rajasthan President and Radha Kant Saxena, V.P PUCL, Rajasthan have gone to meet the police which has come from Chhattisgarh. They just told me that all that was written in the warrant was my house address. There was no name also of the person who had they had come to arrest. All that was written was "abhiyukt", accused.
Kavita Srivastava
Many civil liberties and human rights activists, groups have strongly condemned this illegitimate police raid.
A statement issued by Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, Rajasthan strongly condemns the illegitimate police raid on noted human rights activist and PUCL general secretary, Kavita Srivastava’s home. This raid was clearly meant to intimidate Kavita and pass a message to all human rights activists not to take up causes against the State. In any case, there was no cause to rough up her elderly father and aggressively intimidate domestic help.
The government needs to realize it is extremely short-sighted to intimidate people who may raise crucial though uncomfortable questions since human rights activists play a crucial role in ensuring that constitutional principles are adhered to in the country.
the MKSS has demanded that the police put all the information related to this search warrant in the public domain and issue an apology for their high-handed behaviour. they also demand that the government and police authorities ensure that such incidents aren’t repeated.